Deep Divine Feminine Energy



Welcome to the Divine Feminine Energies Remote Radionics Session, a profound and enriching experience designed to help you connect with the multifaceted facets of the divine feminine within you. This session goes beyond conventional notions, inviting you to embrace the nurturing, protective, and powerful aspects of this sacred energy.

Unlocking the Depth of Divine Feminine:

Traditionally, the divine feminine is associated with Venus-like qualities of love and beauty or even the warrior-like attributes of strength and courage. However, this session delves much deeper, offering you the opportunity to embody the roles of the Mother, the Protector, and the Nurturer.

The Mother:
Tap into the unconditional love and compassion of the Mother archetype. This energy will nurture your soul and provide a sense of belonging and security. Just as a mother cares for her child, you can care for yourself and others in a deeply loving way.

The Protector:
Embrace the protective instincts within you. Like a guardian, you can shield yourself and your loved ones from negativity and harm. This energy empowers you to create a safe and secure space in your life.

The Nurturer:
Discover your capacity to nurture growth and transformation, much like a gardener tending to their plants or a pet owner caring for their beloved animal companions. This nurturing energy can help you cultivate your own potential and support the growth of those you care about.

Universal Support:

At some point in our lives, we all need the energies of the Mother, the Protector, and the Nurturer. These energies extend not only to humans but also to the plant life and pets that share our world. By embracing these divine aspects, you not only connect with these energies but also have them readily available when you or others need their comforting and supportive presence.

How It Works:

Upon purchase, you will receive a confirmation email.
Our practitioner will perform the remote radionics session, focusing on invoking the deep aspects of the divine feminine energies.
You can go about your day as usual during the session, as it requires no active participation on your part.

After the Session:

After the session, you may feel a profound sense of love, protection, and nurturing energy in your life. These qualities can be invaluable during challenging times or when you seek to create a more harmonious and supportive environment.


Radionics is a form of energy work and intention setting. Results may vary based on personal beliefs and energetic receptivity. This session is not a substitute for professional advice or therapy.

Why do we use Radionics?
Well, after 30 years in the world of magick and occult services we are aware that magickal results work ‘through’ the person. It’s not so much that you summon a demon/ angel for a car and the next day a car appears, things like that can happen, although it is rare. Magick and a magickal life works MUCH better when YOU are free within, stronger, more in tune with your truth and being. Our experience has shown this time and time again. So now we work with both magick and radionics because we love it, it makes life so much more fascinating and tunes us back into the wonderful possibilities of life, in world that continues to coerce fear, negativity and suppression. Radionics is a powerful vibrational system that gives us almost unlimited possibilities to change the vibration, frequency of ones life, health, being, finances, love etc and most importantly inner power and freedom.

After purchasing we will contact you for further information and an image. We treat all our clients with upmost confidentiality.


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