12 Months of Divine Miracles: Radionics, Quantum Programming for 12 months of unexpected and amazing miracles!



This is an extremely amazing, powerful and FUN session. This is one we set for ourselves – like a set and forget for a year of divine miracles and blessings. Best thing is, you forget about it and life just works out and amazing things just pop up – because we are letting go of the results so they can easily manifest. Probably our most fun and amazing creation here at UTH!

We didn’t want a one off session but a years worth of miracles for our clients. After testing this on ourselves and friends etc, it has been amazing. We wanted to have something available where things like ‘lust for results’ etc were not an issue. We had amazing results when we just program into the quantum field for random, unexpected miracles; it takes the pressure off ‘seeking’ results and just allowing the magic to happen in it’s more powerful way. We program in DIVINE miracles, not a whatever mircale. We want our minds blow with the results and having them happen randomly and unexpected just makes life SO ABSOLUTELY FUN!

Before bringing this transformative session to you, we experimented with its power, witnessing remarkable outcomes that left us in awe. One such instance involved a dear friend who found herself in a predicament when her car became unregistered. To her amazement, a relative gifted her a brand-new car worth $70,000! Super unexpected!

In another instance, a client shared their experience of manifesting their dream house right when she was faced with three kids faced with homelessness. BOOM, she was rapidly accepted into an amazing house in a rental market so full of scarcity.

But we want the miracles to keep coming…a years worth!

Are you ready to experience the magic of divine intervention and manifest unexpected miracles in your life? Our exclusive 12-month remote radionics and quantum magick programming session is designed to infuse your life with divine blessings, abundance, and miracles, delivered randomly over the course of a year.

What Is Included:

Remote Radionics & Quantum Magick Programming Session:

Our experienced practitioners will conduct a powerful one-time remote radionics and quantum magick programming session to activate the energies of divine miracles in your life for the next 12 months.

Random and Unexpected Blessings:

Unlike traditional manifestation techniques, our approach involves creating random and unexpected miracles that will unfold throughout the year. These miracles may come in various forms, such as unexpected opportunities, financial windfalls, serendipitous encounters, and more.

Alignment with Divine Timing:

By relinquishing expectations and allowing divine timing to orchestrate the manifestations, you open yourself up to a world of infinite possibilities and synchronicities beyond your imagination.
Continuous Divine Support:

Throughout the 12-month period, you will receive continuous divine support and guidance as the miracles unfold in your life. Trust that the universe is conspiring in your favor, delivering blessings and abundance exactly when you need them most.


One-Time Programming Session:

Our practitioners will conduct a one-time remote radionics and quantum magick programming session to activate the energies of divine miracles in your life for the next 12 months. This session will set the stage for a year of unexpected blessings and abundance.

Embrace Divine Timing:

Surrender to the flow of divine timing and trust that the miracles will unfold exactly when and how they are meant to. Release any expectations and allow the universe to work its magic in your life.

Why Choose Divine Miracles:

Surprise and Delight: Experience the joy and excitement of receiving unexpected blessings and miracles throughout the year, keeping you in a state of perpetual wonder and gratitude.

Divine Synchronicity: By aligning with divine timing, you open yourself up to a world of synchronicities and serendipitous events that will lead you on a magical journey of manifestation.

Freedom from Expectations: Let go of expectations and attachments to specific outcomes, allowing the universe to surprise you with blessings beyond your wildest dreams.

Continuous Divine Support: Trust that the universe is always working in your favor, delivering blessings and abundance exactly when you need them most.

Are you ready to experience the magic of Divine Miracles? Purchase our 12-month remote radionics and quantum magick programming session today and open yourself up to a year of unexpected blessings, abundance, and miracles! WEEEEE!


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