Extreme Life into Chaos Radionics Session



We have kept our revenge radionics sessions on a personal and custom basis for a long time. Why? Because we don’t want to attract anyone who is just annoyed at their neighbour for some silly reason – as ordering these sessions from us is no joke. This session is about turning someone’s life into absolute chaos and ruin.

It will hit them on so many levels and we can customise it if you have any special requests, for example:
– Bring Great Illness
– Bring Judgement
– Cause Darkness (this will conjure feelings of guilt, awful self worth, shame etc)
– Cause hatred between people
– Eliminate beauty
– End relationship
– Wound with fury
and so much more, we like getting creative.

Now this session is SERIOUS, once it’s done, it is done. It can be fast or it can erode the persons life over time in an incredible Hollywood movie kind of way. It’s always amazing and exciting to watch it play out.

This is for serious retribution! This form of radionic magick is NOT about being a bully, cursing has always been a form of protection and revenge. This is about defending yourself or your loved ones from the evil in this world.

We have made this available for all now as we want to be of help for those who need serious power and serious help against the evils of this world.

Our sessions are completely shielded and ‘cloaked’ so you will be invisible to your target. This is safe for you but not for the target. There are no karmic consequences as we design these sessions to be safe for our clients. YOU are the karma because, let’s face it, millions of evil people are out there exploiting and harming WITHOUT karmic consequences. We do not believe in Karma here but we do believe you sometimes you need to set things straight.

We ask that you take some serious time thinking about proceeding and do not act just on a quick angry impulse. This session is so layered and full of everything that will completely ruin someone’s life. We are not playing magick games here.

This is not a death spell, we do not cause deaths in our work. This kind of work is way more fun anyway!


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